
Saturday 5 July 2014

C – floor() function

  • floor( ) function in C returns the nearest integer value which is less than or equal to the floating point argument passed to this function.
  • ”math.h” header file supports floor( ) function in C language. Syntax for floor( ) function in C is given below.
double floor ( double x );

Example program for floor( ) function in C:

 #include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
 int main()
       float i=5.1, j=5.9, k=-5.4, l=-6.9;
       printf("floor of  %f is  %f\n", i, floor(i));
       printf("floor of  %f is  %f\n", j, floor(j));
       printf("floor of  %f is  %f\n", k, floor(k));
       printf("floor of  %f is  %f\n", l, floor(l));
       return 0;


floor of 5.100000 is 5.000000
floor of 5.900000 is 5.000000
floor of -5.400000 is -6.000000
floor of -6.900000 is -7.000000


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